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Revelation 6 "Unfinished business?" (Bexley North 4:30pm)
Sun, Nov 29, 2020


Messages by this teacher
Jason Veitch
Judges 3:7-31 "God raises up Saviour Judges" (Bexley North 10:30am)
Jason Veitch
Judges 3:7-31
Sun, Aug 26, 2018
Judges 2:6-3:6 "Israel spirals out of control" (Bexley North 4:30pm)
Jason Veitch
Judges 2:6-3:6
Sun, Aug 19, 2018
Judges 2:6-3:6 "Israel Spirals out of Control" (Bexley North 10:30am)
Jason Veitch
Judges 2:6-3:6
Sun, Aug 19, 2018
Judges 1:22 - 2:5 "God's faithfulness; our faithlessness" (Bexley North 4:30pm)
Jason Veitch
Judges 1:22-2:5
Sun, Aug 12, 2018
Judges 1:22-2:5 "Gods Faithfulness; our Faithlessness" (Bexley North 10:30am)
Jason Veitch
Judges 1:22-2:5
Sun, Aug 12, 2018
John 11 "The Resurrection & The Life" (Carlton 630pm)
Jason Veitch
John 11:1-57
Sun, Jul 15, 2018
John 9 "A Bind Man truly Sees!" (Bexley North 10:30am)
Jason Veitch
John 9:0
Sun, Jul 01, 2018
John 8:30-59 "The truth will set you free" (Bexley North 4:30pm)
Jason Veitch
John 8:30-59
Sun, Jun 24, 2018
John 8:30-59 "The truth will set you free" (Bexley North 10:30am)
Jason Veitch
John 8:30-59
Sun, Jun 24, 2018
John 7:53-8:11 "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" (Bexley North 4:30pm)
Jason Veitch
John 7:53-8:11
Sun, Jun 10, 2018