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Romans 15:14-33 "The heart & plans of Paul" (Carlton 6:30pm)
Sun, Sep 15, 2024


Messages by this teacher
Troy Munns
John 10:1-21 "The Good Shepherd and his sheep" (Carlton 9am)
Troy Munns
John 10:1-21
Sun, Jul 08, 2018
John 9 "I once was blind, but now I see" (Carlton 630pm)
Troy Munns
John 9:1-41
Sun, Jul 01, 2018
John 9 "I was blind, but now I see" (Carlton 10:30am)
Troy Munns
John 9:1-41
Sun, Jul 01, 2018
John 9 "I was blind, but now I see" (Carlton 9am)
Troy Munns
John 9:1-41
Sun, Jul 01, 2018
John 8:12-30 "Jesus & The Father" (Carlton 630pm)
Troy Munns
John 8:12-30
Sun, Jun 17, 2018
John 8:12-30 "Jesus & the Father" (Carlton 10:30am)
Troy Munns
John 8:12-30
Sun, Jun 17, 2018
John 7:1-24 "Judging Jesus" (Carlton 6:30pm)
Troy Munns
John 7:1-24
Sun, May 27, 2018
John 7:1-24 "Judging Jesus" (Carlton 10:30am)
Troy Munns
John 7:1-24
Sun, May 27, 2018
John 6:22-59 "I am the Bread of Life" [Carlton 630pm]
Troy Munns
John 6:22-59
Sun, Apr 29, 2018
John 6:22-59 "I am the bread of life" (Carlton 10:30am)
Troy Munns
John 6:22-59
Sun, Apr 29, 2018