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Philemon (Church In The Bank)
Sun, Dec 28, 2014


Messages from this date
1 Samuel 31 - "The death of Saul" (Carlton 10:30am)
Troy Munns
1 Samuel 31
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1 Samuel 31 - "The death of Saul' (Church In The Bank)
Troy Munns
1 Samuel 31
Sun, Sep 14, 2014
Luke 11:1-4 - "Lord, teach us to pray - Part 1: The Lord's Prayer" (Bexley North 10:30am)
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Sat, Sep 20, 2014
Luke 11:11-4 - "Lord, Teach Us to Pray - Part 1: the Lord's Prayer" (Carlton 9am)
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Sun, Sep 21, 2014
Luke 11:1-4 - "The Lord's Prayer" (Carlton 10:30am)
Mike Leite
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Luke 11:5-13
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Luke 11:1-13 - "Lord, Teach Us to Pray - Part 2: the Attitude of Prayer" (Carlton 9am)
Luke 11:1-13
Sun, Sep 28, 2014
Luke 11:5-13 - "Bold Confident Prayer" (Carlton)
Mike Leite
Luke 11:5-13
Sun, Sep 28, 2014
Luke 11:11-28 - "The Kingdom of God has come to you" (Carlton 10:30am)
Kevin Stepniewski
Luke 11:14-28
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