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Romans 7; "The war within" (Carlton 6:30pm)
Sun, Oct 29, 2023


Messages from this date
October 2023
Genesis 10-11; "The Tower of Babel" (Carlton 9:00am)
Phil Colgan
Genesis 10:1-11:32
Sun, Oct 15, 2023
Genesis 10-11 "How Not to Make a Name for Yourself" (Bexley North 10:00am)
Joshua Hesford
Genesis 11:1-9
Sun, Oct 15, 2023
Genesis 10-11; "The Tower of Babel" (Carlton 10:30am)
Phil Colgan
Genesis 10:1-11:32
Sun, Oct 15, 2023
Genesis 10-11 “How Not to Make a Name for Yourself” (Bexley North 4:30pm)
Joshua Hesford
Genesis 11:1-9
Sun, Oct 15, 2023
Genesis 10-11 "The Tower of Babel" (Carlton 6:30pm)
Phil Colgan
Genesis 10:1-11:32
Sun, Oct 15, 2023
John 4 - "From Seen to Saved" (Talk One)
Jana Koulouris
John 4
Sat, Oct 21, 2023
Luke 10 “Women – Valued Kingdom Partners” (Talk Two)
Avril Lonsdale
Luke 8-10
Sat, Oct 21, 2023
Genesis 10:11-12:3; "From Noah to Abram" (Carlton 9:00am)
Troy Munns
Genesis 11:10-12:3
Sun, Oct 22, 2023
Genesis 11-12 "Blessing to All Nations" (Bexley North 10:00 AM)
Jasper de Keizer
Genesis 11:10-12:3
Sun, Oct 22, 2023
Genesis 10:11-12:3; "From Noah to Abram" (Carlton 10:30am)
Troy Munns
Genesis 11:10-12:3
Sun, Oct 22, 2023
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