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Matthew 18:1-14 - " Humility in the Kingdom" (Bexley North)
Sun, May 26, 2013


Messages from this date
May 2013
Matthew 13:1-23
Matthew 13:1-23
Sun, May 05, 2013
The Parable of the Sower - Matt 13:1-23 (Bexley North)
Jason Veitch
Matthew 13:1-23
Sun, May 05, 2013
1 Peter 2:9-10 - "Glorifying God... by Proclaiming Jesus" (Carlton)
Phil Colgan
1 Peter 2:9-10
Sun, May 05, 2013
Matthew 13:1-13 - "Why did Jesus teach in parables?" (Church In The Bank)
Matthew 13:1-23
Sun, May 05, 2013
Mark 10:35-45 - "Glorifying God... by serving together" (Carlton)
Phil Colgan
Mark 10:35-45
Sat, May 11, 2013
Matthew 13:24-43 - "Why does the Kingdom grow like this?" (Bexley)
Matthew 13:24-42
Sun, May 12, 2013
Matthew 13:24-43 - "Parables with a purpose: weed or seed?" (Bexley North)
Jason Veitch
Matthew 13:24-43
Sun, May 12, 2013
Matthew 13:24-43 - "Why does the Kingdom Grow Like This?" (Church In The Bank)
Matthew 13:24-43
Sun, May 12, 2013
Matthew 13:44-48 - "Solid Joy and Lasting Treasure" (Bexley
Matthew 13:44-58
Sun, May 19, 2013
Matthew 13:44-58 - "Getting in to the Expensive & Exclusive Kingdom" (Bexley North)
Jason Veitch
Matthew 13:44-58
Sun, May 19, 2013
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