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Mark 9:30-37 - "True Greatness" (Church In The Bank)
Sun, Dec 27, 2015


Messages from this date
Haggai 1 - "The glory of God the centrepiece of life" - (Scott - Carlton 10:30am)
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Sun, Apr 12, 2015
Haggai 1 - "A priority that trumps all" (Church In The Bank)
Haggai 1
Sun, Apr 12, 2015
Haggai 2 - "A message of hope for a disappointed people" (Carlton 9am)
Haggai 2:1-23
Sat, Apr 18, 2015
Haggai 2 "Faithfulness and the coming Kingdom" (Bexley North 10:30am)
Haggai 2
Sun, Apr 19, 2015
Haggai 2 - "The hope of promise in times of despair" - Carlton 10:30am
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Sun, Apr 19, 2015
Haggai 2 - "God's future promises for insignificant sinners" (Church In the Bank)
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Vision Sunday "The Harvest is Plentiful" (Bexley North 10:30am)
Phil Colgan
Matthew 9:32-38
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Vision Sunday 1 (Carlton 9am)
Kevin Stepniewski
2 Corinthians 3:7-4:6
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1 Peter 1 - "The Christian Life" - (Carlton 10:30am)
Troy Munns
1 Peter 1:13-25
Sun, Apr 26, 2015
Matthew 9:32-38 - "Vision Sunday - The harvest is plentiful" (Church In The Bank)
Phil Colgan
Matthew 9:32-38
Sun, Apr 26, 2015