Psalm 119:41-48 "Delighting in God's word" (Carlton 6:30pm)
Sun, Jan 30, 2022



Messages from this date
January 2022
Matthew 22:41-46 "Lord & Saviour" (Carlton 9:00am)
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Matthew 22:41-46
Sun, Jan 02, 2022
Matthew 22:41-46 "The Son God" (Bexley North 10:00am)
Joshua Hesford
Matthew 22:41-46
Sun, Jan 02, 2022
Matthew 22:41-46 "Lord & Saviour" (Carlton 10:30am)
Phil Colgan
Matthew 22:41-46
Sun, Jan 02, 2022
Matthew 22:41-46 "The Son God" (Bexley North 4:30pm)
Joshua Hesford
Matthew 22:41-46
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Psalms 65 "Praise rightfully belongs to God alone" (Bexley North 4:30pm)
Lama Siuhengalu
Psalm 65
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Psalm 119:129-136 "A right attitude to God's word" (Carlton 6:30pm)
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